Thursday, June 27, 2013

Love is Miraculous

“Only Love has the power to alter the subtler vibrations of human energy, 
for Love transforms events on the level of consciousness, 
and consciousness is the level of true cause.” 
- Marianne Williamson, “Everyday Grace”

"Guatalupe" - Divine Mother

It’s been a little over a week here on the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico.  The people here have welcomed me with open arms both ex-pats and the locals.  Isn’t it awesome the enormous family we have as we meet the world with an open Heart?

While walking the beach together or sitting at a local restaurant, the question would come up, “So, how did you come to settle in this area?”  The responses were always so interesting. 

Here is one story to share with you:  One couple, from Canada, got it that they wanted to live in warmer climate and began investigating places in the south on the internet.  They were led to a larger town close by, called Merida.  It is the capital of this state and is very modern.  When they came north to the beach they found this little fishing village that called to them but seemed to have very little to offer, in comparison.  But, they thought, with Merida only an hour away that made it convenient.  Now the adventure began.  How to do it … move to this little village by the sea?

Well, they took a leap of faith.  They sold their home in Toronto, Canada and all of their belongings and came to this little village by the sea with no idea of how it was going to turn out. They were not retired or particularly wealthy people and the only way they could do it was to find work here.  His skill as an innovative and skilled mechanic and she would assist in any way and has a skill as a computer wiz.  Collectively, this was what they had to offer.  Lo and behold, in their search for several months, they found the opportunity.  This area has a marina with lots of boats from folks locally and those who lived in Merida, but no boat mechanic was available here.  The two of them created a place for themselves in this little community that not only gave them a way to make a living, their efforts also assisted in the larger picture in contributing to the overall economy here, by training many of the local Mexicans in a newly skilled trade.  It’s been three years and when I visited the marina yesterday, I was amazed at what they had created here in such a short period of time.

There are many other stories that I could share with you.  My discovery has been very inspiring and has brought up a basic principle that my teacher shared with me many years ago and it has become so much a part of my daily life, that I don’t think about it much any more, accept when I see it happening like this in such a miraculous way.  It has been lovely having the opportunity of sharing the principle with folks that are living it but may not be aware of the principle itself.   It’s like a tool that we have but unless we know what it is, we cannot use it in other applications in life.  So, as challenges have been coming up while here, we could be with the situation together and all of us see how it works.

The basis of the principle begins by remaining open when an inspiration or challenge comes up -- not closing up with the fear of the unknown and get stuck in “it’s not possible”.  How do we do that?  Well, there are many techniques.  But, while I am with someone who hasn’t been down my particular spiritual path, I cannot go there with the spiritual “words” that I’m used to.  That is an immediate turn off and a shut down.  It’s like a foreign language.  So, instead of talking about it from a teaching perspective, questions come up to ask to begin taking notice of what is being felt in the presence of this challenge and letting whatever is there to come up and simply be there.  We are not trying to come up with any solution at this point -- we are just allowing it all to come up and simply give it full open space to be there.    Something very sweet begins to happen … the power of Love is activated.  Now, there is an opening where true inspiration can come in from our Source where infinite possibilities are present.  When we respond to that, it is important to continue to remain open and relaxed with an overall feeling of: “I don’t really know how this can happen, but it all feels like everything is going to be ok.” 

The steps that come now are very spontaneous and “out of the blue,” so to speak.  It feels like a miracle just occured that was very mysterious and we are left with a feeling of, “how did that happen?” and a deep sense of gratitude for that which made it happen.   I’m sure you have had this experience yourself and this is nothing knew for you too.  It’s so beautiful to step back and see how the principle actually works, isn’t it?

“We can see Miracles as sewn into the fabric of the universe, and when we do, our experience of the universe is altered.  When we are open to the possibility that God’s power is truly unlimited – that in the ultimate vastness of the cosmos, love prevails – then we are automatically transported to a realm of possibility in which miracles flow forth naturally.”  
-  Marianne Williamson, “Everyday Grace”

So, it all comes back to Love, again and again.   When we can love this moment, just as it is, we have created an open space for miracles to happen.

Would you do me a favor?    Share with us how this has worked for you.  It is so inspiring to hear life's stories of miracles.  In our sharing it not only assists others, it makes it come alive for you too.   Put your story in “comments” below, or if you have not figured out how to do that, send it to me on my email and I will put it on the blog for you.  Ok?

It’s been wonderful sharing with you.

Have a miraculous day! … Have a miraculous life!

Loving you,

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Sharing Love

Where there is Love there is power in the least of creatures,
and there is no order of importance, because
existence is seamless.
- "Love Without End"

This communication with you was written, a fews day back at the airport in Houston, Texas while waiting for my flight to Merida, Mexico (in the Yucatan).  I was traveling to a friend’s home by the Gulf of Mexico,  for a month, to house-sit for her.  What a lovely win-win as it will also give me a chance to retreat by the sea.

On my way to the Toronto airport, the taxi driver and I had a wonderful exchange.  The long one-hour drive could have been exactly that, long and boring.  We were in the morning traffic traveling slowly down the busiest road in Canada, Hwy 401.  As it turned out we had a lovely exchange. 

I realized some years back that meeting someone new can be a way to share deeply in the Heart together through asking questions and allowing the conversation to have a life of its own.  It’s an interesting and beneficial way for us both to share in this natural current of Love.

The conversation started with his interests and some snags with his girlfriend.  It then took a turn of support through the story about my adopted turtles while in Florida last year and the innate intelligence that they have to survive.  Then, the question came up to ask, “Are you aware of your innate intelligence?”

So, get the picture …  I was in the back seat to his right and our conversation was connected entirely through the rear view mirror.  After being with the question his inquisitive eyes were focused on mine through the rear view mirror with his response, “I don’t know?”  The conversation continued, describing this innate intelligence  “It is so natural that we don’t usually recognize when it is happening” … “For example, when someone asks you a question, what is your first response?” … “Isn’t it usually, I don’t know?  After being with this he agreed and the flow continued … “When this happens aren’t we usually very uncomfortable not knowing … we think we are supposed to know, so we try to fill it up with anything to look like we do know to not look stupid?  Can you relate with that?”  He agreed whole-heartedly.  As we pulled up to the gate at the airport, the conversation completed itself … “So, would you like to know how to access this innate intelligence?"  He was very interested by this point.  Ok, so the next time someone asks you a question, stop and just take a moment in this not-knowing place and allow this space to remain open.  Don’t fill it with anything at all.  Allow your innate intelligence to answer for you.  If nothing comes up right away, just respond with, ‘Let me be with this and I’ll get back with you’ and give yourself the space to allow it to come up, naturally.  As you continue to communicate in this way, you may begin to realize what has been there all along ... your innate intelligence ...  and a way to access it at any time.”

The taxi driver was very open and appreciative.  At that moment it was acknowledged by both of us how great it was to meet.  I teased him with, "I'm not going to charge you anything for this."  He laughed.  Our Heart connection was complete.

It was a lovely exchange for both of us.

We have so many opportunities to share in Love if we are open to jump in and allow the current to take us.  To keep it flowing where I am not doing it, is asking questions each step of the way.  It allows us to be in the current together in a natural flow and there is no I and other ... it's light and free of position-opposition.

Thank you for giving me this opportunity to be with you once again … I always feel like you are sitting right here with me as we share in this way together.

By the way … you may have noticed the blog title has shifted a bit.  After the last communication with you, I received an email from a dear friend who shared…

Thank you Elizabeth. So good to hear from you!

I'm reminded of a quote from Melody Beattie that continues to be very powerful for me. It is of her realization, after many years of spiritual practice/work/teaching, that "it is not all "About" love...  It Is All Love."  Could that be what your sharing here? Very powerful shift!

Yes, dear One, IT IS ALL LOVE. 

A simple question for us to be with is, “Do I have the courage to remain open to express this LOVE in the many opportunities that are given to me each day?”  Don't be shy, dive in ... ask questions ... and let the flow take you.  I feel this can be our way of giving service in the moment, in a simple and loving way.

I Love you,
Always in all ways,

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Love: Our Commonality

"Heaven exists in our Heart ... 
with equal grace we can extend it outwardly into our life ... 
eventually, as the universe moves toward its fulfillment, 
Heaven will be everywhere!"  
- "Love Without End"

Hello, my dear friends.  I've missed being with you.  

Today, I was reading the above message and realized that my Heart was overflowing with Love to share and this way of being with you has been the best and easiest way for me to do that.  

In all of the years that I've been involved in spiritual work it has come down to one simple thing, "it's all about love."  Years ago, when I was with Dr. Hew Len learning "Ho-oponopono," his final statement to us was, "it all comes down to loving whatever is present in your life - no matter what it is - that is pure forgiveness."  While with him, he shared that whatever we have been trying to fix or not like about ourselves or anyone else is what we haven't loved.  His method was to say "I Love You" to whatever that might be.

Applying this to my life while being with my family here in Canada, there were some nuances to his formula that have been revealed.  

My tendency when I see that someone is having a challenge in their life situation is to step in and try to say something inspiring to soothe them or give them something to make it easier for them to work through it.  It became very sensitive and would usually bring up resistance which became frustrating for both of us.  Recently, I recalled Dr. Hew Len's secret formula and found myself not trying to do anything at all ... I would be with the situation in myself and hold it in a gentle embrace of Love ... realizing, this that I am (we are), is radiant with Love, naturally.  So simple.  Then, the person I was trying to help calmed down and found their own solution from a clear space of Love.

"Find your commonality - 
your commonality with God,
which is love,
and your commonality with each other,
which is love!"
                                                                - Love Without End

Now, that we both were in a relaxed place, we would then work together to see what is the next best thing to do in the situation.  Even in this I have found asking questions to see what they are feeling to do is better than my making any suggestions.  That way I am honoring what feels true for them in the situation which further builds their confidence and gives expression to this Love that we are.

What a delightful way to enjoy what comes up in living together.  It's as easy as catching a breeze that's blowing and taking it wherever IT takes us ...

Will check in with you later.  
Love being with you,