Sunday, July 28, 2013

Looking Though The Eyes Of The Heart

In this communication with you, I’d like to share about the final days of my stay in the Yucatan while experiencing an ancient Mayan Ruin and a Cenote (underground lake).  Sue and I travelled about two hours south of her place by the sea, passed Merida, to a place called Uxmal.  We stayed in a lovely place created in the style of the way the Mayan’s lived many years ago.  Here is a picture of the little hut I stayed in.

That evening we had our first view of the ruins during their “color and light show.”  This program has been happening every evening for the past 40 years.  Here is one picture of the color shining on a ruin of the temple of the priestesses.  Notice the little visitors floating around?  This blew us away, confirming to us that this was a special place.

Here it is in the daylight ... aren't the carvings incredible? ...

The next morning we went early to walk over the ruin site.  We hired a guide to give us the whole story of the Mayans that lived here many, many years ago.  Daniel was of Mayan heritage and had been living and working there since a small boy.  He had watched some of the excavation process of the ruin.  So, he had so many interesting things to share with us.

As we entered the ruins, this was our first site … the pyramid of the high priest, who was also the leader at that time.  It was an enormous structure that held the inner sanatorium at the top, where all of the ceremonies took place. 

The pyramid was also lined up astrologically for the sun to shine in the temple’s sanctuary on summer solstice.  These two pictures Daniel took of this event.

He then walked us over to this special tree that was hollow inside.  Evidently, the Mayans believed that it was a portal to the heavens and to the underworld.  Interesting.

There were no underground lakes on this property, so they relied totally on rain for water.  So, the temple was dedicated to the rain god for special ceremonies to bring about rain.  Here is a picture of one of the carvings of the rain god on the temple.

Daniel, our guide, shared that there was still 60% of the ruins covered with the jungle yet to be excavated.  Over the entire peninsula there have been over 1,600 ruins already found.  For us, being there in the presence of something that was built thousands of years before seemed to collapse time.  The sacredness of the land was truly felt.  We were honored to be here touching the pulse of the Mayan culture.  

Daniel knew the history as it was passed down from his people.   He shared that as they built these enormous structures, they used the trees around them in the rain forest to create the mortar and eventually had no more trees.  They had put themselves out of business and had to move back into the jungle and live as they originally did years before.  They were then very vulnerable when the Spaniards came.  Those who would not follow their faith were killed.  We couldn't help but feel the pain of the Mayan people.  This experience was gently held in the Heart’s Love as our own pain … looking through the eyes of the Heart at man’s inhumanity to man and deeply forgiving our self for these actions.  A deep healing was felt at our core.  

(A Mayan woman)

Leaving the ruins feeling very moved from the experience of the Mayan heritage, a cooling dip in the Cenote was perfect.

 Later that evening, Sue and I stayed in a lovely place in Merida.  We took a ride around the old Spanish city, now, having directly experienced how this all came to be.  There was a lightness present as we continued the “Love process” from our earlier visit with the Mayans.   It was a special time we had and will cherish it in our Hearts.  So, pleased to be able to share it with you too.  :0)  
To see the entire tour in pictures see this you tube:

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

How Big is Your Love?

Only if one knows the truth of love, which is the real nature of Self, will the strong entangled knot of life be untied. 
Only if one attains the height of love will liberation be attained.  Such is the heart of all religions. 
The experience of Self is only love, which is seeing only love, hearing only love, feeling only love, tasting only love and smelling only love, which is bliss.”  – Ramana Maharshi

I am coming to realize that there is quit a difference between being in Love and being Love.  As we move along in our life and live from the truth of who we really are, there is a distinct difference that begins to show up in our relating with one another at all levels of relationships.  Have you noticed?

In Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s love poem, she has stated something very profound with regard to the truth about Love … “I love thee to the depth and breadth my soul can reach, when reeling out of sight for the ends of Being and ideal Grace.” … Wow, how big is that? 

I want to tell you a story.  It was years ago, right after my father passed, and the family was together in his home consoling each other.  My niece, who was only six at the time, opened up to me and shared how sad she was to lose her Grandpa.  This is how it came up to be with her ...

I asked her, “Sweetie, how big are you?”  She pointed to her body and said, “As big as this.”  I said, “You’re bigger than that.  Close your eyes and see.”  She did and quickly opened them saying with surprise, “Oh, I’m as big as this room!”  I responded,  “You’re bigger than that.”  Again, she closed her eyes to see.  After a moment she opened them and said excitedly,  I’m as big as the whole universe!!”  “Yes, darling, that’s how big you are.  Now, let’s look from here at your ‘sad’.”  She closed her eyes and then opened them with,  It just went pop!!”  The whole day she was going around to everyone in the family and comforting them from this place of pure innocent Love, sharing from a genuine feeling of it’s all ok.

When our Love is this big, is there anything that can snag us or upset us?

So, back to … what is the difference between being in Love and being Love?

If we are in love with someone or some thing is our love big enough to allow that person to have the absolute open space to do whatever life is calling them to do or be?  Is our love big enough to accept the loss of a loved one and be able to comfort those around us?  Is our love big enough to be open to the infinite possibilities that are available in every moment of now?  Is our love big enough to follow our calling even though we have never had any experience or familiarity with what it is calling us to accomplish?

If we are in Love, are we not having preferences and maybe even fear coming up about losing the object of our Love?   Something unforeseen could come up that could inhibit this good feeling of Love from pouring out of us toward him, or her; it or them.   

If we are simply, being Love, as my niece discovered, doesn’t it feel like we are, “As big as the whole universe!”?   This realization opens up a whole new vista of being with each other.  We are “feeding each other’s rivers,” as my teacher called it.  There is no limitation placed on what is happening in the moment.  We allow Life to take its natural course for our self and our loved ones.

What I’m sharing, I’ve discovered, is not something that comes natural with having a body-mind and all of its preferences for this and that.  For me, it is similar to what it felt like when nursing my child and the basic need for this body, at that time, was for the child to receive this milk that was coming through in an abundance.  We have a natural tendency with this body-mind to want to pour out this Love that we are and to have someone or some purpose to share it with. 

Once we realize the bigness of this Love that we are, the space opens to being Love.  It’s like a rose that blooms and it doesn’t really look for anyone to enjoy its fragrance, it simply blooms and exudes its aroma, naturally.  And, whoever is there to enjoy it, fine, and whoever is not there, that’s fine too.  It is simply ok to just be love-ly.  :0)

The Story People sent this to me while I was writing this …


So, how big is your Love, my sweet friend?  It’s a moment to moment checking in to see, isn’t it?

Loving you, simply as you ARE,

Friday, July 12, 2013

Loving and Honoring Who We Really Are

“Go along with the current.
 Don’t try to swim against the flow of the river.  

All that is happening is what a higher power has already enjoined.  Human efforts to change it or alter it to one’s advantage amounts to going against His order.  Acceptance of it is a natural movement and rejection of it, wholly unnatural.  
Surrender is nothing but total acceptance of it.  Then it becomes the burden of the higher power and no more yours!
Everything is perfectly all right as it is.  Realize it.  
Go along with its natural completion.”  
- Ramana Maharshi

While here in the Yucatan, I took morning beach walks with someone I met while here.  Our walks together brought about a new found friendship.  That particular day, as she was getting ready to go back to the U.S. for a family reunion, there were some sensitive things coming up that she and her family had with her younger brother.  In being with her, she openly acknowledged what she was presently experiencing about the situation.  She was relieved to hear there is no need to try to fix the situation or fix him, but just let it all be there as it is.  

She relaxed in an acceptance of the situation, and we moved on to the next step ... recognizing the awareness prior to the situation.  Then, I asked her:  “From this perspective, does it feel like a clear, space of Love in you and around the situation?”  She acknowledged how opening to this clear and natural space of Love felt so natural for her and that it had released the concern for her brother.  From this place, I asked her, to "see your brother in your mind's eye and embrace him with this radiant Love that you are."  She said she was going to continue to hold him in this space of Love as she visits with her family this week ... continuing to see and honor him for who he really is, as this Love, no matter what the appearances. 

Ramana Maharshi shared, in the quote above …

“Surrender is nothing but total acceptance of it.  Then it becomes the burden of the higher power and no more yours!  Everything is perfectly all right as it is.  Realize it.  Go along with its natural completion.”

It was such a relief for her.  There was no effort to feel this Love … it was so real for her.  It felt natural and what is true.  Now, she knows how to really be with her brother, by seeing him for who he truly is and honoring this as true with whatever comes up to the contrary.

This brought up a story about Ramana Maharshi to share with her. When people would come to be with him in the Old Hall, no matter what their concerns were they would feel relieved and find a natural peace.  And, most of the time it was even while he remained in complete silence.  He never put himself above anyone but respected the truth of who they really are no matter what the appearances.
I found myself completing our sharing by telling her about the early days with my teacher.  He honored the truth of who I really am for me, long before I could see and experience it fully for myself.  It only takes one person in our lives with this kind of Love for us to realize the truth for ourselves.  So, by seeing our loved ones for who and what they really are, who knows what miracles can begin to happen.  What a gift.  I am so grateful for my teacher for loving me that much.  I can only return this gift by  living this truth myself.

Loving and appreciating us all, just being as we ARE,

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Seeing Love In & As Everyone!

“It has been said that when the Buddha comes again, he will arrive not as a person but as a community.  

We will know that God is here on earth when we can see Him in one another.” 
- Marianne Williamson

[Drawing by Usha Raj]

I had just recently sent you a communication about experiencing “IN-dependence” and giving way to the Heart within each of us, which is the source of everything.  What didn’t get emphasized was the living of this in our relationship with life in the world.

When I first experienced the Heart, years ago, it was during a time of my life when I had a very active lifestyle with the responsibility of children and work, etc. etc.  To tell you the truth, there was a sense of fear coming up at that time, as to how was I going to keep this peace in the “noise” of the world around me.

I look back now and I see how this question was answered ... through loving and supporting a Heart community.  Now that I am retired, I noticed that this desire to express this Love continues.  It then began to naturally express itself in an ordinary way with those that are immediately around me, those that I meet in daily life.  Sometimes I am able to share a story that might be helpful in the moment, to assist in someone’s life situation.  There is nothing planned.  It just comes naturally as Sri Bhagavan says for us to do, “allowing life to naturally take its own course.” 

You who I am sharing this with now are a big part of this Heart community and this blog is a way to remain in and fully express this Heart-felt Love.  My teacher said it this way, "Sharing makes it  real for you."

I openly admit, it hasn’t been easy letting go of what has been a way that I’ve expressed for over 35 years.  But, my commitment is to give everything over to the Heart, so what it is directing me to do is primary.  So, a gradual letting go has occurred over these past few years since my retirement.  And, Love continues to express itself in moment-to-moment life situations.

I am sharing this with you now, to be open and honest about what is happening for me and to invite you to follow your Heart in whatever way it is guiding you to support yourself and our world-wide Heart family.  It is a win-win for everyone.

“Where two or more are gathered together in my name, there I will be in the midst of them.”  - Jesus

I want to share a vision that came to me 35 years ago, shortly after meeting my teacher.  In the vision, I was seeing people of all cultures and religions beaming with a heart-felt feeling of happiness.  This experience was one of everyone living from the Heart … a community that was all-inclusive and seamless … a Presence of Love was shining in everyone.  There was the appearance of difference, like many waves on the ocean, but only one ocean and everyone was experiencing this oceanic quality as Love, Peace, Contentment and Joy.

This context continues in each moment of now.  And, what I saw over 35 years ago, as a vision of a worldwide community living from the Heart, continues to direct my every action.  I just keep following wherever it’s going to take me.  I can say, it brought me here to the Yucatan and I didn't know why until I got here.  I have made a number of Heart-to-Heart exchanges here that have been such a gift.

To me, it is already done … I am, we are, being and seeing Love in and as everyone no matter what the appearances.  How does it feel to be an intricate part of this truth as you live and serve this context in your own life?  …  Isn’t it the best feeling ever! …  What a lovely way to live with one another.  We are so fortunate and so blessed.

Sister Sledge sings it out so beautifully …

We are family
I got all my brothers, sisters with me
We are family
Get up everybody and sing!!

Everyone can see we're together
As we walk on by
And we fly just like birds of a feather
I won't tell a lie
All of the people around us they say
Can they be that close
Just let me state for the record
We're giving love in a family dose

Living life is fun and we've just begun
To get our share of the world's delights
High hopes we have for the future
And our goal's in sight
No we don't get depressed
Here's what we call our golden rule
Have faith in you and the things you do
You won't go wrong
This is our family Jewel

We are family
I got all my brothers, sisters with me
We are family
Get up everybody and sing!!

 This just came in my email.  Isn’t this it!  How exciting it is to see us all going for the Ocean … and with so much support.

Loving Being Us,

Thursday, July 4, 2013

True Love is IN-dependence

“Exclusive contemplation of the Heart,
is inclusive of everything else.” 
- A. Ramana

Each year at this time, in Canada and in the USA, we celebrate our country’s Independence (July 1st & July 4th).   Our freedom has given us the rights and liberties that we all enjoy and are grateful for.  So, yes, it is a good time to count our blessings. 

I’m still here in Mexico being with this celebrated time, and something came up to share…

Many years ago I made an admission, to myself and my closest friends, which was the beginning of true independence for me.  I admitted that I was addicted to thinking.  At the time it was very insightful.  It was very clear that thoughts were what was predominant in directing my actions and not fully the wisdom of the Heart…the Being that I am (we are). 

This turning point was the beginning of a genuine “seeing” of what was really true in the moment.  At that time it was revealed that I was no longer the roles and thoughts about who I am, but that which is seeing these roles and thoughts.  This perspective provided a clear space in which to operate from -- one that is true wisdom and intelligence.   Yes, it was vulnerable and what began to be seen was the configuration of Elizabeth totally naked.  All of what had been hiding out in this fog of thoughts and experiences was being brought out into the open to be fully seen all the way through. 

Even though it was revealing and significant at that time, what I see now actually took place was a shift into 
"IN-dependence" ... surrendering into no longer relying on anything objective for everlasting freedom and true joy ... utterly dependent on what is within us all ... honoring the Source out of which everything arises.  And, a complete surrender to loving and embracing whatever is arising ... whatever is coming and going in my awareness. 

As my teacher so clearly puts it, "Exclusive contemplation of the Heart is inclusive of everything else."  All is included in this embrace of Love ... it is inclusive ... everyone and everything is being enfolded in love.

From here, life is free to happen in it's own natural way without me directing it and true vigilance begins.  In each moment, where do I choose to put my attention …  is my attention on what is arising or on that which is seeing what is arising?  This requires vigilance in being awake and present with everything that is occurring in each moment. 

When I was with Papaji, at his ashram in India prior to his passing, he emphasized in his talks how it was all about being vigilant with our attention.  Later, when I sat with him privately, I asked him:  “Papaji, even though you have fully realized and are living the truth, do you also need to be vigilant?”  His response left an indelible impression.   He looked me deeply in the eyes and said,  Until my dying breath.” 

The puzzle pieces come together … there is no time to rely on our position in life, our roles, our past experiences, or, people, places or things in life … there is only this Love that I am and give over to in each moment.   This is my true in-dependence.

Ganesanji, shared this quote in italics of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi from his book,  “Ramana Periya Puranam,” which was his first teaching and summarizes the entire teaching of Ramana Maharshi in a concise and simply way 

“That which is not destined will not happen despite every effort. What is destined to happen is bound to happen.” 

Then, what is the role of an individual?  If everything is predestined and everyone is acting according to how he or she is being directed to act, then what is the reality of the individual?  

This doubt raises the fundamental question, “Who am I?

With the next sentence, this is certain.  Bhagavan gives a stamp of authority, of certainty, for the mind needs the anchor of certainty. The last sentence is,

“Therefore, the best course is to remain silent.

To remain in silence is a positive step towards surrender. The first step is to surrender.   

[And, further in this work, Sri Bhagavan says:]

"Fix the mind in your Heart.  If you keep your attention on the source from where all thoughts arise, the mind will subside there at the source and reality will shine forth."  And, from here,  "Allow life to take its own course."

[For a copy of “Ramana Periya Puranam” go to :]

We meet here in Love ... in stillness and silence ... always,
Loving you,