Friday, September 27, 2013

There is a Way

“You are the unchangeable Awareness in which all activity takes place. 

You are eternal Being, unbounded and undivided. 

Always rest in peace. 

Keep Quiet Here and Now. 
All is well. 

You are happiness … you are Peace … you are Freedom. 
Do not entertain any notions that you are in trouble. 

Be kind to yourself. 

Open to your Heart and simply Be.”     
 - Papaji

As I shared with you in earlier communications, the beauty of sharing goes both ways … for both the giver and receiver.  What I'm going to share with you now is one of those times when I received the gift of our sharing together on this blog.

In an earlier response to the blog “Love is Miraculous,” Bill responded with: “Love your love letter! As I was reading it, I was reminded of four wonderful words as a loving companion that has helped get me through when I couldn't seem to see any possible way through … it is:  "There is a way."  And, in response to a later blog he emailed and added this: “In process, I find that "There is a way" as a companion, eventually reveals itself as the way of silent, loving, nonresistant acceptance.”

In a morning meditation, the depth and beauty of what he shared finally dawned on me.  Initially, I didn’t see it’s simplicity and how powerful it actually is.

A sensitive situation has been present in my life … one that has been floating around and processing through little by little, but was not yet fully completed.  It was being embraced in the presence of Love, from Awareness. Now, while in this aha experience I was just being with Bill’s companion: “There is a way,” and an area began to open up in the body that I hadn’t noticed before.  I had discovered and experienced many times, that when I am able to lovingly see through all aspects of what is coming up, from Awareness, a natural healing and adjustment takes place.  Being with this simple and basic truth of there is a way, seemed to have created a space and provided a depth of seeing … an opening for the knot in the body to unwind and process through, naturally.  

This is the best way I can describe what occurred.  In being with and experiencing: “There is a way,” it took me to the feeling of what it feels like to have a way to complete this situation with no effort and at the same time, without knowing how it’s going to work out.  I gave over to this feeling … that there now is a way that this can work out, without efforteven though the “how” wasn't fully seen yet.   This feeling triggered an opening for the healing and a solution to come through.   As I stayed with the experience through out my meditation, it opened up completely.

It’s so simple...yet so powerful … as a way to surrender and allow a natural completion.  And, I can see now how, in the midst of something that seemed impossible, feeling there is a way is a way to surrender “my” will.   It is actually how things have worked out for me many times in the past.  I just hadn't seen specifically what was the catalyst, but now I do.

Maybe this will seem familiar to you, as well.  I can see why Bill calls it his “companion.” 

All is well for us ALL,

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Our Beautiful Presence

“When you begin to touch your heart or let your heart be touched, you begin to discover that it's bottomless, that it doesn't have any resolution, that this heart is huge, vast, and limitless. You begin to discover how much warmth and gentleness is there, as well as how much space.”      ( A Buddhist Nun)

I was speaking with a friend recently and we talked about relationship issues and how they can be so frustrating.  I’m sure we all can relate with this.  We cannot be away from relationship, unless we were living in a cave.  Yet, what about the relationship we have with nature and the critters around us?  I met a Buddhist monk some years ago, having lived in a cave himself, he had to contend with the mosquitoes.  He even had a mosquito net that went over an umbrella while sitting in meditation and somehow they got in anyway.  He said the "mosquitoes were a clever nuisance."  And, he soon realized that his practice now became observing his experience with the mosquitoes - loving and accepting them as they are - which he benefitted from greatly.  He also admitted that it wasn’t easy.

So, in this conversation with my friend, we both admitted that reacting, resisting or avoiding what is coming up in relationship is not the answer.  So, how do we remain cool in a heated situation without faking it?  Yes, we can pretend that it didn’t bother us and avoid it completely by putting on a calm, cool collected presence.  But, as you may have discovered, that doesn’t resolve it.  The tension is still there in the space between us. 

What I have discovered has been quite simple but not always easy.  I just have to remember to apply it in the moment of when a position/opposition arises.  First, admit to myself that I am reacting to this person’s comments or actions.  Don’t cover it up … let it all be fully seen as it is.  Next, don’t judge what is being seen … just let it be whatever it is.  I notice the whole experience, dynamically, and what effect it is having in all areas of the body, emotions and thoughts (body-mind).  This “noticing,” from that which is seeing, puts me in a completely different perspective … one of being objective and even ok with what is happening.  Now, there is a space created that gives some room to wait and let it all diffuse before speaking.  Just asking questions and listening is key at this point.  Most times my position doesn’t seem to be so imperative to be shared.  Especially, as I see the other person’s position - and I notice it is quite different from my perspective – to me, it seems to be more imperative to have harmony in the relationship over having my position be heard.

Now, you may say, “that doesn’t seem fair that you may not have a voice in this situation.”  Well, yes, it may appear to be unfair, so, I ask myself:  “What is more important, my position being validated or having harmony in this relationship?” … “What is more loving?” … “What honors the beauty of our Presence in this situation?”

Ramana Maharshi says, “Make the distinction between what is Real or Eternal and what is Unreal or Transient and live from what is Real.” This is where we have free choice, right here.   I have found again and again, the choice we make from Love is what is Real and Eternal … it is our living and being the Heart.  As long as I am “giving myself a voice” and seeing what is so within me, the most important aspect is being honored.  Do I have to have my voice heard for me to be validated?  The truth is self-evident and being the truth is complete within itself, isn’t it?

Again, I admit that it isn’t always an easy choice to make.  It would be much easier to let the emotions take over and have a release from the pressure cooker.  The road less travelled is the above one.  Haven’t we found how much better it feels when we honor the Beautiful Presence that we all are no matter what the dynamics of the situation?  

While being here in Maine, house-sitting on the Reuthe’s farm, I am getting how significant it is being in what is Real while relating with animals.  On the farm there are two horses, over a dozen hens, a cat and two dogs.  When someone drives up the driveway, the two dogs go crazy with excitement.  They love people and can’t wait to be with them.  It’s kind of cute, actually, to see how affectionate they can be.  On the other hand the loud barks and frantic behavior immediately brings a tension into the space and it brings up an immediate response to try to quiet them.  It came up that I was getting caught up in their high, frantic energy.  So, in honoring this Beautiful Presence that the dogs are, I now take a deep breath, bring into my awareness any tension in me that is resonating with their high energy and accept what is present as it is.  What a difference.  Now, it isn’t even what I say to them, even though communication still occurs ... it is honoring what is true and real ... and they quiet down and come into the calm, naturally.  It’s amazing to see how dramatically it shows what is shared above.  

"... this heart is huge, vast, and limitless. You begin to discover how much warmth and gentleness is there, as well as how much space ..."

Loving this Beautiful Presence we all are,

Friday, September 13, 2013

Innocent Revelations Guide Us

“By being in the Heart, there’s nothing we need to do from here.  

Our only “work” is to just sit here in the Heart. 

Keep this as your foundation, as your base, and no longer let the body-mind and its experiences or thoughts be the basis of being. 

Keep your choice, your vigilance to live this Truth … be this Truth.”   - em

This communication with you seems to be continuing from our last few blogs. 

In continuing our exploration into unchartered territory, we  opened to the inner expanse of our being and posed a question: I am open and ready to receive now ... what is it that YOU would have me do?”  It can be as huge as a shift in our expression in life, to a day-to-day choice that needs to be made, or clarity in a relationship situation.

We also talked about formulating a Master Mind with those who are "in perfect harmony" to be a part of the unfolding of this idea and assist in the exploration process.

Now, we are at a place to see the mechanism of how to remain fully surrendered throughout the unfolding of this or any idea.  This is an essential aspect in order to be connected to the pulse of Life and remain true to what the Heart, God, the Divine wants to create through us.  Being in integrity with the Heart, we are open to being an instrument for what is good, true and beautiful to express through us, that is a win-win for ALL.

So, how do we remain completely surrendered in the Heart to this pulse of Life?  What is the mechanism?  Many years ago, I realized that when we can see “how” something works, all we have to do is continue to do what works. It is so simple that it can elude us.  We realize, this exploration is actually essential for full freedom to occur in all areas of our lives.

Ramana Maharshi shared with us how to awaken and align with the Heart even in the most intense time of our lives.   His realization came as a young boy of sixteen during a death experience.  For our own 'AHA' experience,  let's take each significant aspect of his experience to discover the underlying process.  The following is quoted from “Ramana Maharshi and the Path of Self-Knowledge." 

Ramana was in a place of innocence, not knowing what death is.  The questions began to arise, naturally, from within him: 

“With the death of this body, am I dead?”   

The questions and responses began to arise quite spontaneously:  Is the body ‘I’?  It is silent and inert but I feel the full force of my personality and even the voice of the ‘I’ within me apart from it  ...  I am Spirit transcending the body ...  The body dies but the Spirit that transcends it cannot be touched by death ...  That means I am the deathless Spirit.”  

His revelation continued to arise within him without thinking about it:  All this was not dull thought; it flashed through me vividly as living truth which I perceived directly, almost without thought-process ...  ‘I’ was something very real, the only real thing about my present state, and all the conscious activity connected with my body was centered on that ‘I’ ... 
From that moment onwards the ‘I’ or Self focused attention on itself by a powerful fascination.  Fear of death had vanished once and for all.  Absorption in the Self, (the Heart), continued unbroken from that time on.  Whether the body was engaged in talking, reading or anything else, I was still centered on ‘I’.  Previous to that crisis I had no clear perception of my Self and was not consciously attracted to it.  I felt no perceptible or direct interest in it, much less any inclination to dwell permanently in it.”  

As we can see for ourselves, questioning is the key to continued surrender into the Heart, the Source of all intelligence, clarity, and ultimate freedom -- as Ramana has exemplified here.  The Heart has a pulse on what is best for us in all situations -- even death itself -- through our willingness to simply ask questions.  

Ask and the door will be open…” Christ shared with us. 

What’s the hesitation?  What happens when we are in new, unfamiliar territory, what is the first response that arises?  As a young boy, Ramana, was faced with the fear of death.  For me it was fear of appearing stupid, especially when my position as Mother, Executive Director, older sister, and meditation practitioner and instructor, etc. depended on what I have come to know and understand.  Due to this subtle fear, don't we then quickly bring up what knowledge we have gathered to answer the question?  In Ramana’s case there was no prior experience to glean from, he was in a child-like innocence.  

Unless you be as a child, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.”   Christ’s words to us come alive now.  

The Current of Awareness awakened through a series of questions that Ramana had no prior knowledge of.   These questions just arose in him from an Intelligence that knew exactly where to go and what to do.  In this case he made the ultimate investigation and we can benefit from his experience immensely.   

While I was in India visiting the home of Ramana Maharshi, an insight occurred to me about this questioning process he gave us.  I realized the focus is not on the answer to a question or even on the question, it is about surrendering into the organic process of questioning itself and letting go completely into this vast open space of Innocence … Not-knowing … and see what revelation arises quite naturally. 

Since this innocent revelation came, it feels like I’m home and everything is taken care of.  Life happens, questions arise, and my only “work” (which is now pure devotion), is remaining true to the Heart and its direction.

Is this what Christ meant when he shared, The son of man has no where to lay his head?  

When we live in and from the Heart there are only innocent revelations wisely guiding us each step of the way.  We are always open to what arises in the moment … clinging to nothing.  How simple and yet so practical in all situations.

Heart-felt Love,

Monday, September 2, 2013

Everything, Everything, Everything is Holy Now

When I was a child, each week
On Sunday, we would go to church
And pay attention to the priest
He would read the holy word
And consecrate the holy bread
And everyone would kneel and bow
Today the only difference is
Everything is holy now
Everything, everything
Everything is holy now

When I was in Sunday school
We would learn about the time
Moses split the sea in two
Jesus made the water wine
And I remember feeling sad
That miracles don’t happen still
But now I can’t keep track
‘Cause everything’s a miracle
Everything, Everything
Everything’s a miracle

     Lyrics by Peter Meyer

Our last sharing was looking at “Receiving Inward Sight” and clearing the space to receive what is wanting to naturally create through us as we are called to serve in the Master Plan.  As the week has progressed and a number of conversations have occurred, some fine-tuning has come through to add.

While we are in the midst of clearing the space to make room for the next step to come through, it is very important that we are completely ok with whatever is coming up with our configuration, (using your name here).  Giving it lots of room to express whatever it wants to so that the clearing can complete itself.  Much like a small child being held by a loving mother, allowing the child whatever emotions to come up to be there to completely empty out … seeing “I am here as the Awareness that is aware of Elizabeth (your name) having this experience of sadness, discomfort, insecurity…” This way we are giving it full space to empty completely, being enfolded and embraced in Pure Love.

It is important not to “make your bucket list” or try to think about what is to be done next until the space is completely clear, otherwise what is coming through is not coming from the Source, it is coming from trying to come up with something that “I” want or “I” think or "they" think it should be.

When the space is clear, the next step is to completely surrender ... full stop ...  

We don't have to wait for an intense situation in life to put us into this place of surrender and into a place of true not knowing.  We can simply surrender in a prayerful way and then ... ask a question ...

“I am open and ready to receive now ... what is it that YOU would have me do?”  

In our fully surrendering into this question, we let go into this vast open space and are ready to receive what it is that our "Inward Seeing" or Source would have us do as a first step.  It may be right away, it may take a few days or weeks, but the clues will begin to reveal themselves.  We then respond and move in the direction that IT is leading us, step by step.

Now, I warn you, when you ask this question, what might come up could be something that is way over our heads and something we have no idea how to do ... or, it feels way out of our comfort zone.  But, as we remain open with that and fully receive the idea … not knowing how it is to be done … the discovery process will continue to blossom.

Another aspect of this process that is significant has to do with talking about what comes up to do.  The tendency may be to talk about our idea with our friends.  This action comes from a feeling of doubt and uncertainty, so we are talking with our friends to get a confirmation on it being a good idea etc., etc.  This is not full surrender.

My teacher warned us this way, “It takes as much steam to make the whistle blow, as it does to make the engine go.”  So, keeping it to ourselves allows the idea to build “steam” and magnetically draw to it, naturally, who or what is needed.  Now, you are ready to write this all down and follow Love's Intelligent Creative Power as it comes step by step.

You will more than likely get a clue that there are certain people that are to assist you with this idea.  Sharing it with them is indeed appropriate.  Setting up a time to talk with them as soon as you can is important to give us the support needed to fill in those unfamiliar areas.  He or she may be one of many that will be in your “Master Mind.”  

A Master Mind, according to Napolean Hill, is ... “where two or more are gathered together, in the spirit of perfect harmony, for the attainment of the same definite purpose.”  Reading this again and noticing each significant aspect of this definition … two or more … in the spirit of perfect harmony … attaining the same definite purpose.  If we have followed our inner guidance so far, our Master Mind comes together easily and naturally.

Be assured that your idea’s context will draw to it whatever it needs to succeed from the Source of ALL.  And, know you are not alone.  All the Intelligent forces in the universe are working with you, now, each step of the way.

“When your consciousness is perfectly attuned to and in harmony with ‘Loving Intelligent Creative Power’ – then you too will be divinely protected and will become channels of:  Creative design, growth, nutrition and nourishment, protection, healing, regeneration, fulfillment or need, and order.”  - Christ Returns

Now, what comes up to be put on our “things or to do” and/or “bucket list” will be received from our Inward Sight … from the Source … and not from this configuration called Elizabeth (your name).  Which is, as you know, a very limited point of view. 

We are ready to respond to whatever comes our way and experience for ourselves … “everything being a miracle” … “everything, everything, everything is Holy now.”