Saturday, August 24, 2013

Receiving Inward Sight

“In God we live, and move, and have our being.  How can there be anything at all to fret about when not just parts of your life, but every aspect of your life is infused with the divine presence?

Nothing you do happens outside of God.  How could it, when every breath you take, every movement you make, takes place ‘in’ God?

When this realization takes hold of you, not just on an intellectual level but deep in your being, it frees you from all anxiety about yourself and your life.  It erases all guilt – all sense of somehow being unacceptable.  It’s the end of having to hide or be embarrassed about any part of your life.  You can relax and simply be, knowing that you are part of the infinite presence we call God.

‘Enlightenment’ means ‘to receive insight,’ that is, inward sight.  You finally see something that’s always been true of you.” 
- David Robert Ord from “Your Forgotten Self”

Over the past few weeks, I have had the privilege of being with two delightful women as they each bravely reached out into unchartered territory.  It was over two entirely different weekends, one in Quebec and one in Toronto.  Even though each one had a different goal in mind, the process to achieve their goal turned out to be identical.  I just happened to be invited in to be a support in the process.  It came up that it could be helpful to share the underlying process with you.

Have you ever experienced for yourself, something wanting to create itself through you, but you had no idea how it could happen?  If you had the courage to venture forth into this unknown, you would have probably found out the same thing we did. 

In the beginning, there is a vastness that seems too big to encompass and bring about what wants to create itself.  At any time along the way, we might just abort the project and distract ourselves with something more tangible and enjoyable.  This feeling of vastness requires us to just move into the fray, into the unfamiliar, not knowing where it will take us. 

Along the way, as we move forward, we find ourselves clearing the space of what “isn’t” what is wanted or needed.  Something in us just knows and we find ourselves in a process of elimination.  Then, interestingly, there is a space that is clear now that begins to draw to it what fits perfectly there.  And, then we find ourselves placing it all together quite naturally, without any effort at all.  This completion gives us the energy to move onto the next area that requires our attention. 

Step by step, we move forward and this “something bigger than ourselves” continues to show us the way.  There are many names given to what this is.  But, knowing what it is, is not as important as being lived and moved by IT and experiencing the perfection that comes with what just emerges, naturally.  All we did was be willing to let go and receive what’s already here for us to see … to be … to do … and to have.

I felt like a midwife or doula in the process.  When I functioned as a doula years ago, I discovered something very interesting.   When it is time for the baby to be delivered the process is completely natural and there is no need for the mother to “push.”  The body has certain muscles that start contracting and very naturally pushes the baby through the birth canal and out without any pain for the mother or baby.  The woman that I was with in the birth of her child had this experience.   It is actually the enforced pushing that creates the pain for both mother and baby.  Isn’t that remarkable how the mystery of nature works?  There is a Divine Intelligence that has it all covered and kindly takes care of the smallest detail.  

What wants to happen through you?  Is there something wanting to give birth and emerge from the depths of your Being?  

Are we ready to fully receive what is destined to express through us?  This is what is being asked of us now to assist in the bigger picture … one where everyone wins.  I’ll be cheering you on. 

Loving you,

P.S. Someone sent this to me by email in response to this message.  It felt very appropriate to share it with you too...

 I am clearing a space
here, where the trees stand back
I am making a circle so open
the moon will fall in love
and stroke these grasses with her silver
I am setting stones in the four directions
stones that have called my name
from mountaintops and riverbeds,
canyons and mesas
Here I will stand with my hands empty
Mind empty under the moon
And if something takes my life, if a sudden wind
sweeps through me, changing everything
I will not resist
I am ready for whatever comes
But I think it will be
something small
padding out from the shadows
on delicate paws, or a word
spoken so softly I hear it inside
There is a way to live that makes
the angels cry out in rapture.
There is a way to live that makes
each cell a star
Come stand with me here, it is
cold I know, and silent,
nothing is happening
The next breath, and the next,
is the new life.

   Morgan Farley

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Richness Is The Core

“Just look at existence and its abundance.  What is the need of so many flowers in the world?  Just roses would have been enough.  But existence is abundant – millions and millions of flowers, birds, animals – everything in abundance.  Nature is not ascetic, it is dancing everywhere – in the ocean, in the trees.  It is singing everywhere – in the wind passing through the pine trees, in the birds …

What is the need of millions of solar systems, of each solar system having millions of stars?  There seems to be no need, except that abundance is the very nature of existence, that richness is the very core; that existence does not believe in poverty.”   -       Osho

As I sat quietly by my sister’s beautiful garden early this morning, I was brought into the experience of this abundance that Osho was speaking about.  A multitude of flowers were in full bloom with a buzz of bees around them … nature was dancing and singing everywhere in abundance.

Later, I was transported to the Heart of Toronto to meet a friend in one of the large hotels on Yonge, which happens to be the main street downtown.  As I walked around, I saw masses of people everywhere, coming from all over the world to be here.  Actually, four million people live in Toronto area.  Now, as I sit on the top floor of the hotel, there is a bird’s eye view of all of the high-rise buildings where people live and work.  I am in awe and overwhelmed by the abundance all around me of another kind.

Where do we get the idea that “there isn’t enough?”  When the truth is …  abundance is the very nature of existence and doesn’t believe in poverty … how do we miss this truth when we are literally swimming in it?  Much like the little fish that heard that you need water to survive and swims everywhere warning other fish that water is needed to survive when he is actually swimming in it.  It’s so natural and present all the time we can miss it and even search for it like this silly little fish. 

Accessing the Source of abundance within us, we discover we have opened ourselves to infinite possibilities.  We discover richness is at our very core … this fullness is what I am.  It’s not in what I have, but what and who I AM.

So, where do I choose to put my attention … on the abundance of existence that is all around me? … my basic nature? … or on the sense of lack or limitation?  A dear friend of mine, who has chosen to honor this richness at the core, has used something for years to keep this fresh in her awareness at all times … “I always have everything I need and more.”  She says the “and more” is what keeps the abundance overflowing to have the ability to share with others.  Simple, but so powerful, as her life demonstrates this.

It keeps coming back to this simple truth … being in integrity with what’s real and true ... being happy and content in this Fullness of who I AM ... shining brightly ...

Yes, we are this magnificent!

Love you,

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Love IS …

“There will never be any more God
than there IS now.
Never more good, wholeness,
abundance, perfection, infinity
than there IS at this present moment …
Living in this moment of IS-ness,
this next moment unfolds
as a continuity of Grace.

I’ve been back in Canada for a few weeks getting settled back into my routine here.  And, I realized during the wee hours of the morning that I’ve missed talking with you.  Something has been floating around here to share, but I just hadn’t sat at the computer to allow it to come out.  So here goes …

Have you ever felt like something was not quite coming together all the way for you?  That there was something still missing?  When we give the signal with our hands that everything is OK, we usually put our thumb and pointer finger together in a circle to give the expression of it’s all ok, it’s beautiful, it’s perfect, “yes!”  So, as this feeling of not being complete is happening the circle feels to be not quite all the way together.  Are you with me?  Have you ever had, or do you have that feeling?

This experience may have been there all along, but we might not have noticed it fully yet.  It hides out as we go about busily in our lives finding all kinds of things to do to cover up this feeling, because it doesn’t feel good.  But, as we know, this gnawing feeling has to be met fully in the embrace of Love for it to disappear.  Actually, in truth we know, nothing is really there, but as long as we ignore it there is an appearance that something is there.

It’s much like the lion that lived under my bed when I was a small child.  And, at night I wouldn’t get up to go to the bathroom without calling my Dad in to help me.  He didn’t know what in the world was going on until one night in asking questions, he found out that I really thought at night there was a lion living under my bed and his big paws would come out after me when I got out of bed to go to the bathroom.  When he and I took the flashlight out and looked under the bed, and I saw that nothing was there, that was the end of it.  I even felt happy that it was gone, when it never was there in the first place. 

So, after many years of working on myself, have I gotten sophisticated with what comes up and just “see” it and “transcend” it from Awareness?  And, this illusion remains.  Or, am I willing as this child did with her Father, from Pure Love, face this underlying gnawing feeling and shed a Light on the entire experience?  

Now, realizing for ourselves, that there is nothing there … only a fullness of Love … a vast open space of what IS …


Love being with you,
Thanks for listening,