Thursday, March 6, 2014

Being Sure Of Us

Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind.
“Pooh!” he whispered.
“Yes, Piglet?”
“Nothing,”  said Piglet, taking Pooh’s paw.
“I just wanted to be sure of you.”

It’s been awhile since we’ve talked.  I’ve been having some computer problems and now have it all settled.  Missed being with you.  

So much has happened since our last communication.  Steve and I were married on February 24th … a bit sooner than we originally planned.  We are just nestling into our new home now and enjoying every moment of our new life together.  Here we are by the river in front of our new home.

This cute little quote for children, above, spoke out to me this morning, as I prepared to sit with you and connect.

There are many things that have shifted and changed in my life over the past three years.  The life that I had participated in prior to that, for over 35 years was so much different than the life I am beginning now.  My focus was on serving those who came to our meditation center and assisting others in awakening and being the Heart in daily life situations.  Now, I can relate with what might have been for you, to incorporate your awakening into daily life.   I am experiencing this as my own direct experience, as I am sharing in an entirely new life of marriage with Steve, here in Maine.  How wonderful it is to know the importance of surrendering "I-me-my-mine" into the Heart and allowing IT to direct each moment from the natural flow of the Heart.  What a Grace-filled gift we all have been given.  It is certainly up to us to "put this teaching to practice" as Ramana Maharshi guides us to do.  And, living the wisdom of Christ, "It's not my will by Thy Will be done."

Now, I might ask that you be with me in another facet of this shift for me, which does include you.

As I am meeting my new family and friends, there is deep embracing Love and welcome into their lives, especially with Steve’s Mom and church family.  So, my focus has been in opening and settling into this new Love as it is being experienced in a gentle and kind way.

What came up in me, recently, was a question, “What about my Heart family?”   We have been together for a long time, through thick and thin.  There are many loving memories and Heart-felt experiences that we have had together.  How do we continue to keep our connection as my life is shifting in the way that it is?  This blog communication has been one way that we have been able to stay connected.  But, even with that, it’s not like being together face to face and having that special time of connection happening Heart to Heart as it does so naturally.

This communication with you now, is to open up the space for you to know “you can be sure of me.”  And, that I am here for you.  If you have anything that you would like to discuss and have me be with you in, I am here.  Just let me know.  
Here is my new email address <>.  We can set up a time to SKYPE and share Heart to Heart no matter where you are or I am.  Also, Steve and I will be coming to NC from time to time, to visit with my Mom and his family, maybe there is a way we can see you when we come.  We would also LOVE to have you come and visit with us here in our home by the Saco River.  I understand it is lovely in the summer.

I embrace you deeply with all the Love that I am.

Elizabeth A. Young  

(feels good doesn’t it?)


  1. Ahhhh. Here's one place where we can still find EM . . . and MacDonald. Recognizing, too, that while the names (and forms) may change, the love, the Heart, remains. The same. Always!

    1. Thank you, Lina. Yes, the Love, the Heart is the constant.

  2. Always and forever connect in the heart, Elizabeth. Love, Love, Love - Michele

    1. Yes, always and forever connected, my dear friend.

  3. Yes it does feel good, feeling we are always connected. Loving you with arms wide open!

    1. Loving you and our Heart to Heart connection.

  4. Never a single doubt or question...always here. Regardless of the outer changes That never changes....Thank God!

  5. Congratulations! Welcome to "our " world! Said in loving jest, and in the recognition that the teaching applies in all of Life's apparent aspects. I share your joy. We are all always One in the Heart, no matter where we "are".

  6. Thank you, Joe. Our Heart Connection is timeless and has no distance, for sure. What Grace!

  7. Another example of nothing is constant. All is always in flux and change, even relationships. And there in lies the beauty of life! Such a miracle! And yet within that shifting of the sands, there is that one constant, that place where we all meet, where we are one. That never changes. That heart space is constant. Thank you for being that beautiful presence in my life as I hope I am in yours. Much love and nothing but good wishes, dearest Elizabeth!

  8. Yes, that is the Grace of our sharing in this Heart Space ... everyone benefits deeply. We are all so blessed from this Love and Grace.

  9. Beautiful to see and hear from you. Always in the heart! Beautiful picture of you two <3

  10. Yes, always in the Heart, dear One.
