Friday, November 22, 2013

Aflame With The Presence of Exquisite Love

That in which
     all arises,
          is perceived
               and sustained,

That alone is Real.
Abide as That.

~  Ramana Maharshi  ~

Recently, I have been talking with a few sincere folks who have had some fine tuning questions regarding their meditation practice.  Since my retirement, three years ago, I have consented to be what feels to be a “meditation coach” for those who are interested in learning meditation or are into fine-tuning the one they already are using in their day-to-day lives.

The questions that seemed to arise for those who have been meditating for many years has been an important fine tuning, so it came up to share this with you for any of us here that could benefit. 

The question was, “How do we know when we have realized the Source, the Heart, the True Reality, in the presence of our daily life situations?”

In order to explore this question, let’s first look at the question, “What is Reality?”  Here is a response when this question was asked of Ramana Maharshi, taken from “Talks” …

  • Existence without beginning or end – eternal
  • Existence everywhere, endless, infinite
  • Existence underlying all forms, all changes, all forces, all matter and all spirit
  • The one displacing the triads, i.e., the knower, the knowledge and the known.  The triads are only appearances in time and space, whereas, the Reality lies beyond and behind them. They are like a mirage over the Reality.

The many change and pass away (phenomena),
whereas the One always endures (noumenon). 

Ramana, in his insistence to “put this teaching to practice,” further instructs us to… “Make the distinction between what is Real and what is unreal … what is Eternal and what is transient.”  So, in our putting this truth to practice and to experience it directly, it all comes down to … how do we know, without a doubt if we are abiding in Reality in the Eternal nature of who we really are, moment to moment? 

This is what comes up to share, for us to directly experience this truth for ourselves …

With whatever is arising in the moment … in our body as sensations or emotions … in our mind as thoughts and subtle feelings … we accept them as they are and then simply ask ourselves, “Isn’t there an Awareness that is aware of all of this?”  And, without mentally answering this question, allow what comes up naturally to be realized … as That Which is Seeing what is arising … and, abide as That … in the Silence and Stillness of Pure Being prior to all of what arises and is perceived …

That in which
     all arises,
          is perceived
               and sustained,

That alone is Real.
Abide as That.

What we are now Presencing is Pure Awareness … Pure Consciousness … the Heart.  We know it as what’s true, because it simply rings true.  Just as we hear a crystal clear ping when we tap a pure crystal glass … it just rings true.  It is from a Natural Knowing deep in our core.  We are guided, from the Heart of Pure Being, to simply abide as That.

From here we live an extraordinarily ordinary life.  Actually ...

“There is no ordinary life.  Life is a grand display or flowering within the vast and clear presence of the divine intelligence.  Every leaf and piece of dust is cradled in an expanse of light and presence.  That Presence Awareness that contains all things is also the deep presence of Love and peace always.  It is your own Real Being.  The universe being revealed in each moment is aflame with the presence of exquisite Love.  In that even the most ordinary thing is a unique and wonderful expression of the underlying Oneness of all.”  ~  John Wheeler  ~

Yes, we all have something wonderful to fully live and share with ALL … constantly being “aflame with the presence of exquisite Love.”

So many blessings,


  1. MY experience is… when we are deep, deep, deep into our formal sitting, in pure silence, in pure stillness, with little or no movement of mind(thought), that Current, that Joy, that Knowingness is our frame of reference (The Heart Radiance). Later it begins to bleed more and more into the waking dream or waking world and eventually it makes itself available to us more and more. If there is distraction of attention, or engaging thought I just remember the pure I radiance and bing you are in It AS It.
    It's the same for Jack Bennys' … How do I get to Carnegie Hall? …. Practice, Practice, Practice …. Love/Light/Laughter BC

    1. Yes, once the Radiance of the Heart is present, being as IT is all there is...abiding as That in waking, dream and deep dreamless sleep. IT is the underlying Presence Awareness that gives life and light to all.

  2. This Pure Awareness that IS.. where all this is a happening. Actually Abide as This. Yes, that's IT.

  3. Thank you Elizabeth. Remembering your beautiful presence in meditation at Ocean.

    Christine G

    1. Sharing in our beautiful Presence at Ocean is dear to my Heart. Thank you for bringing up this fond memory.

  4. In my experience, it appears like the identified one just had to get it and surrender to the fact that we are all already That Perfection in every moment of Now no matter what was appearing in perception. The error seemed to be that I was looking at the dream to verify the existence of the Reality. Of course none of this is true, but it makes a nice story.

  5. Right on, Joe. Another "Ping". Thank you for sharing with us.
