Thursday, November 14, 2013

Love Expressing Itself in Communication

the unique language,
ever surging in the Heart,
 is the state of Grace.
~  Ramana Maharshi  ~

In a few blog posts back, I mentioned about words being “a capsule of experience.”  When we read or listen to those who are coming from the Truth, as it is being experienced and lived in their lives, we can deeply benefit as we resonate with them and directly experience this truth in us.  It was very interesting to me when I  investigated into this further and realized our responsibility as we relate together in daily life situations.

Is our communication coming from the Heart … as Love expressed through our capsule of experience?  Or, does our communication reflect and express hidden emotions and past conditioning through our words, in relationship with our co-workers, friends and loved ones?

In a conversation with a dear friend, recently, I was introduced to “The Three Gatekeepers of Right Speech.”  To understand this completely, I looked it up on the internet and found a Buddhist writing on a website that seemed to describe it very well:…

“Before words get past the lips, the first gatekeeper asks, “Is this true?” That stops a lot of traffic immediately. But if the words get past the first gatekeeper, there is a second who asks, “Is it kind?” And for those words that qualify here too, the last gatekeeper asks: “Is it necessary?
With these three on guard, most of us would find very little to say. Here I think it is necessary to make exceptions in the interests of good company and let the third gatekeeper look the other way now and then. After all, a certain amount of pleasant conversation is part of the artistry of living. But the first two gatekeepers should always be on duty.
It is so easy to say something at the expense of another for the purpose of enhancing our own image. But such remarks, irresistible as they may be, serve only to fatten our own egos and agitate others. We should be so cautious of hurting people that even if a clever remark is rushing off our tongue, we can barricade the gate. We should be able to swallow our cleverness rather than hurt someone. Better to say something banal but harmless than to be clever at someone else’s expense.”

As I was being with these three “gatekeepers,” it felt like for me something else would need to be added to allow what is emerging to be expressed consciously, from the Heart.  I was guided to the words of Ramana Maharshi …

Silence, the unique language, ever surging in the Heart,
is the state of Grace.

And from Christ …

Be Still and Know

Do we see the wisdom of …  being still and being the Silence … ever surging in the Heart before we begin our communications?  Wouldn’t that be the first gatekeeper?   Then, what comes from this place, quite naturally,  is Pure Love … is the Wisdom to complete the rest of our communication from truth … from loving kindness … knowing clearly if it is necessary or not.  From Here there is no effort and the state of Grace has taken over the conversation.  Haven’t we all noticed how effortless and natural it is at this point?  Now, we have honored each other by being Love with those we are relating with.  

Be Still and Know …
Be Still …
Be …

Back to simply being again, aren’t we?

Loving you,


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This was not removed by the didn't come well as the below comment from the same person. So sorry about that. em

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yes...this one forgets Being first before speaking (reaction happens when seeming others trigger.. even when I Know .. it's all in me).. the FIRST and ONLY GATEKEEPER reminds me to come from This as This. The other 3 gatekeeper questions are a good filter too.. if I forget the First and Foremost.. to come From/As The Heart... Back to simply Being.. from Here all IS gentle loving kindness.

  4. Yes, Carmen, it's our responsibility in relationship to check-in and be sure where we are coming from in our communications. This way, Love is responding through us and we are instruments of peace in our environment...which contributes to the Whole. We can truly make a difference in such seemingly small ways in our day to day life relationships.
