Friday, November 29, 2013

Honoring and Trusting the Source of Our Abundant Supply

Life is like a river.
There is no pre-charted way;
there are no maps to be given to you.
Just be alive and alert,
and then, wherever life leads,
you go with full confidence in it.
Trust in the life force.
Allow it to lead you towards the sea.
The river is not simply going to meet the sea,
it is "growing" to be the sea,
and this is possible only through rich experience,
alert experiences,
moving ... trusting.
~  Osho  ~

I’m sure we’ve all seen that the truth is simple, but not always easy to put into practice in our day-to-day life situations.  We can be living in a comfort zone that is not life supportive and be completely unaware of its affects. What usually has happened is that we have learned to live with it for so long that we don’t even notice the limitation that we have been imposing on ourselves.  And, this can show up in any of these three areas in our lives: money, food/health and relationship.

Recently, I realized an area of this “comfort zone” in my life that I have learned to live with since childhood.  It actually had become a survival mechanism. Growing up we struggled financially and our family bravely “made do” with what little we had.  My Mother would constantly say to us:  “Money doesn’t grow on trees,” or  “There is never enough to go around,” or “We’ll just have to make do.”   This survival mechanism was programmed deeply, so deep that I didn’t realize how it had affected the way I lived my life, today.  Actually, I had become so creative in making do I hadn’t even noticed this survival pattern.  There has always been a feeling that everything will work out no matter what, and that was my experience.  It was quite an adventure and somehow my life, and my work, would always come together on a shoestring.

So, where was I not living the truth in this situation?  How had this pattern that I had learned to live with been so unhealthy and not life supporting for me?

The truth is … “there is an abundance.”  All we have to do is open our eyes and see abundance around us … the Source, God, the Heart provides everything we need … especially those of us who live in North America.  We’ve just recently experienced thanksgiving and most of us directly realized this abundance and acknowledged to ourselves and family, that we have so much to be thankful for.

In being open to seeing the truth about it, I realized this conditioned pattern of making do was coming from an unconscious feeling of not enough, and not this truth of abundance.  There was only a small opening for the Heart/Source/God to bring this abundance into my life.  So, in telling myself the truth, I faced the emotions and thoughts around this “survival mechanism” and took responsibility for this subtle sense of separation from the Source.  Then, I automatically went into a forgiveness process, which was adapted for this situation …

  • ·      I’m sorry for not honoring the Source of all abundance within me.
  • ·      Please forgive me for this separation from the Heart, the Source, within me.

Right here, I paused to fully experience what was coming up into the Light of Awareness.  And, something beautiful happened.  As I remained in Awareness, a huge whoosh came up from a deep place within me washing everything through, while expressing a sense of, “I Love you and support you no matter what.”

With this pause, there was no need to say, “I Love you,” which is the next part of this forgiveness process.  The Heart of my Heart responded to my surrender and filled me up with a comfort and assurance that has always, already been right here within me.  What a magnificent experience of inside/out support!

Now, the “Thank You” came from the deepest gratitude and honor for that which is within us all … in the Heart Core of our Being … Pure Unconditional Love and Support.

In seeing through this pattern, from the space of Love, this self-imposed limitation was completely consumed.  Jesus said, “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.”   This truth sets me free!!   This Radiant Love that I am, that we are, fully embraced this past conditioning and absorbed it into Itself. Now, there is plenty of room … infinite wide open space … for true abundance to come through and be demonstrated into my daily life situations, naturally and easily.  

I will continue to make the best with what I have … now, from a conscious perspective … from the truth of honoring, with deep gratitude, the Source of my abundant supply, within me and within us all, and utilizing this abundance wisely and appropriately.

This has been a sensitive issue to share with you.  We can live a long time with patterns that have seemed to become so much a part of us that we haven’t noticed them.  Through our living from the Heart’s Loving Presence … from That Which is Seeing what comes and goes … even those deep subtle patterns are finally brought up into our Awareness to be neutralized in this Radiance of Love.  In our telling ourselves the truth about it, we are Grace-fully taken care of.

Respectfully, honoring and trusting the Source of our Abundant Supply in us and as us ALL,

P.S.  Yes, there is a money tree!!  Right in our own back yard - just waiting to be harvested!  :0)


  1. There is a gossamer veil between acceptance and toleration.

    1. Yes, Doug. That is why humility is essential, surrendering totally into the Source within us and being willing to be open to catch these "gossamer veils." Thank you for this subtle distinction.

  2. Thank you for sharing the Truth Elizabeth, how insightful.. it is a way for me to get in touch with the money patterns in this one's life... I came from poverty also.. and it had the adverse affect on me.. I would spend it easily saying "it's only money'.spending it foolishly ... I knew there was abundance to be had.. now it is known consciously.. and money is spent wisely ... purposefully, respectfully.

    1. Yes, Carmen, I know that one too. It's like a pendulum that swings back and forth. One minute being frugal and the next saying to ourselves, "The heck with this, I deserve to have this and this and this" and we are not being fully conscious from the wisdom of the Heart. We are being directed by the tendency or pattern instead. That is why it is essential that we be alert in those moments and see where we are coming from and honor the Source purposefully and respectfully, as you said. We thank you for your open honest sharing.

  3. A testament to who and what we really are. Thank you.

    1. Yes, Joe, our lives become a living testament to who and what we really are. It is one thing to have an understanding about the truth. It is quite another thing to bring this Living Truth ... this Radiance of the Heart ... into every cell of our being and into every area of our lives. That is the full completion and our true purpose for being as Awakeness in ordinary life, as Pure Unconditional Love. It's beautiful to see this happening in a huge way in our spiritual family and in the world around us...a Festival of Illuminata! Thank you for your contribution.

  4. Thank you for this Sharing and Clearing. I can see and hear and feel the Heart of this in my experience too ! (Bless my mum, her favorite expression raising 6 kids was…"we can't afford that." But/And…. The greatest treasure, the Real Wealth, of course, is this Pure Awareness ( our core being), above, beyond, free and Prior to the I, me, my and My Money! This money thing ( All the conditioning and thoughts) is deeply buried and hidden, like the one talent that the pilgrim in the bible took and buried, out of fear of lack. Thank you for sharing an invaluable and tricky lesson. Namaste

    1. Yes, it is important to be prior to this whole thing with money and see it isn't the is our lack of bringing our Awakened Heart to our financial affairs. It is a is "currency." We just have to be present and conscious with the wise and appropriate use of this currency...focus on this aspect and not on the apparent lack. The truth is the truth...honoring and trusting the Source AS our abundant supply is living this truth moment to moment in all of life's situations. You are on the right track, stay with it my friend.
